Sunday, January 5, 2014

Part Sedentary, Part Uber-Active

Fiona has been funny this week.  Turns out that she sprung another tooth, which in retrospect, sort of explains her funny behavior.  What was funny was that she'd go through points of extreme calm, quiet, and plain old laziness, to tearing into everything in a mischievous way.  Case and point, look at these photos.  The first one is little miss couch potato.  She was just hanging out watching the boob tube with pacifier in place.  I was sitting in the chair next to her snapping photos, and she paid me no mind whatsoever.  By contrast, the second photo shows sneaky Fiona.  I'd just put her down for a second to put something away.  I turn around and there she is pulling herself up on Tim's bag.  I love the little grin she is giving in this photo.  What a stinker. 

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