Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Post-Christmas Relaxing

The week after Christmas has been a blur.  Fiona hasn’t been feeling fabulous—I’d say she shoved one too many shared toys with all their germs in her mouth during Christmas (see photo).  Her nose is all stuffy, but she is still pretty happy.  At bath time last night, she was laughing hysterically for no reason.  The normal back scrubbing set her into giggles.  She has also been eating up a storm.  Tim pureed a whole bunch of new food for her including a chicken, leeks, carrots, and peas, which she has been scarfing down.  Plus, over the holidays, she has had a lot of “real” people food including: raw red and yellow peppers, standing rib roast with mashed potatoes and broccoli, rosemary chicken with lemon and mushrooms, and beef stir fry with peppers and mushrooms.  What a culinary week!

After the Christmas visit with the cousins, I think Fi realized that she really wants to be more mobile.  In the last few days, she has been pushing herself up on her knees in front of her toys and toy basket, which has ended up with a few bumped heads.  She has also enjoyed walking holding our hands and behind her walker.  I have enjoyed watching the process of learning to walk.  She seems to look down and check her feet before picking them up to move them.  I love how pleased she looks in the picture on the right.  She looks too little to be standing up!

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