Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Almost cruising

You aren't going to hear much from me this week because, between work and the house, I am a bit swamped, but my mom needs her blog so...  Fiona had a nearly week long vacation at my parents post-move--a couple nights on her own with my parents so Tim and I could settle at the house and the rest of the time with me around and traveling to the Baltimore Museum of Art for work.  She is treated like a queen when there.  The thermostat was set at an all day temperature of 70 degrees while she was there, to which my mom noted that it dropped to the normal 68 during the day and 64 night at night as soon as she left.

We left Sunday morning to head to Reading for Maddie's 6th birthday.  I can't believe she is six!  She was born just after Tim and I left State College and started our respective jobs.  Fiona must love seeing her cousins because I swear every visit is a revelation for her.  She sees Bridget walking confidently and Janie starting to cruise, and must think, "Hey, I could do that."  She has been eagerly practicing her standing--and getting to standing.  She is on the verge of cruising and took a few tumbles as a result, but she is learning.

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