Wednesday, January 22, 2014

9 months old!

Fiona is 9 months old today!  She is becoming such a little mover and shaker.  She has mastered the art of pulling herself to standing.  It often starts with her sticking her butt up in the air with hands on the ground; she then walks her hands up you until she is fully upright.  There isn't tons of progress in the crawling department, although she is starting to get the backward motion off of her knees.  It is so nice to have a house now for her to move around!  Fi continues to be a good little eater.  New development is that she seems to have outgrown some pureed foods.  She still likes her pureed applesauce and mango but doesn't seem as interested in pureed dinners.  She totally rejected her yummy meal last night in favor of eating chunks of chicken, green beans, and rice.  Looking forward to see what changes the rest of 9 months will bring!

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