Sunday, January 12, 2014

Not a Baby Anymore

Over the last week, a reoccurring thought has been: "Fiona is not a baby anymore."  She is trying so hard to stand and walk (not really into crawling though).  If I sit next to her on the floor, she often turns toward me and tries to pull herself up.  Sometimes, she just pulls herself up to watch TV or talk to me, but the point is, she wants to be up.  The saucer, a big toy that lets her stand and play with toys all around her, isn't satisfying her anymore either.  I think she dislikes the lack of risk--no opportunity to pull herself to standing or chance of falling over.

She has also become quite adept at feeding herself, so we broke out the snack cup last weekend.  But, whereas last weekend she was reluctant to put her hand inside of it, and when she did she wasn't successful at getting puffs out of the cup, now she pulls out the puffs and scarfs them down surprisingly rapidly.  Here she is with her hand deep in the cup.    She is also skilled at using those two teeth of hers. She beavered off a few big chunks of pickles when we were out at dinner last night and even turned those teeth on the wooden table.  Expecting more teeth?  Maybe so.

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