Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"She's Gotten Big"

Week 37 in OCNJ

...That was my Dad's response to seeing me over the weekend.  He is right though.  I may have been measuring small a couple weeks ago, but I caught up and am most definitely feeling pregnant.  We had a nice Easter down at the shore.  They are busy at work building up our beach post-Sandy as you can see from the diggers in the background of this picture.  It was odd to realize that this was our last visit to Ocean City, NJ without Baby.  This won't be the summer for Baby to enjoy much of the actual beach, but I'm sure we will spend a good deal of time strolling the boardwalk.

Today we had our weekly doctor's appointment.  It is officially two weeks to my due date, and so far, no signs of progress.  My instinct has been that I will have the baby before my due date, but that may just be optimistic thinking on my part. 

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