Friday, April 26, 2013

Purely Delightful Firsts

Enjoying the Rock-n-Play
Fiona has been doing terrific since she has been home.  She hasn't taken to the cradle quite yet, but she is still sleeping well either in our arms or in the Rock-n-Play (thank you Anna).  She is also being very patient with me while we figure out feedings.  

On Thursday, we had her first appointment with the pediatrician for a weight check.   She's lost a little more weight since birth, making her even more of a wee one, but the loss was within the normal range.    

She also had her first bath Thursday night, which was my favorite first so far.  We were preparing ourselves for a screamfest, but she was extremely calm throughout the whole bath. I loved drying her off with those adorable hooded towels we received (thank you again Cornelison's and McShane's).  She promptly peed all over the towel, though I will take that as a sign that bath time was a relaxing success.  

Our other first was a walk in town on this beautiful Friday.  She loved her stroller (thank you Aunt Mary and Aunt Judy).  Fi was a bit wide-eyed at first, but she conked out pretty quickly and slept during most of our one-hour outing.  We are looking forward to more firsts and gorgeous days like today.      

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