Sunday, April 14, 2013


Week 39
Baby gave us another weekend to continue our preparations.  We stocked up on groceries, cooked more meals to freeze, cleaned like crazy, ordered a rug, and hung pictures in the nursery.  Everyone seems to be on baby alert already, but rest assured that there is no news on that front yet.  The consensus seems to be that a Thursday birth would be most convenient.  Tim made just three sandwiches for work this week (one a day through Wednesday) in anticipation.  We will see how Baby cooperates with that plan.  Thursday, April 18, 2013 sounds like a good birthday to me though since it follows a chain of other important dates: April 16, 2005 the date Tim and I "officially" started dating and April 17, 2010 the day we got engaged. 



  1. Love that Tim only made 3 sandwiches this week :) Praying it works and tomorrow is the day! Can't wait to meet this little bugger and finally find out if it's a boy or girl!


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