Sunday, April 21, 2013

And we wait some more...

Still no Baby.  Tim said that I am "in collusion" with Baby to keep things between the two of us; essentially, not sharing Baby with Daddy.  First, who uses the word collusion at 7am on Sunday morning?  Cahoots maybe, but collusion?  Anyway, I can say with certainty that I am as eager as Tim to meet him or her.  We are finding it more and more difficult to keep our minds off the waiting game.  Tim is starting a tab for Baby given all the the unnecessary shopping we did this weekend while waiting.  My theory on the delay is that Baby wanted to be a Taurus and not an Aries.  That is fine by me since a Taurus baby is supposed to be affectionate and cuddly; plus Taurus is a compatible sign for both me (Pisces) and Tim (Virgo).  Interestingly, I read that "Taurus children aren't hurried. In fact, they're downright slow--which you as a parent will need to adjust for in your scheduling."  That totally explains things, right?  You can tell I am grasping at straws when I resort to (and quote) astrology websites.

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