Friday, April 19, 2013

And we wait...

It's a bit melodramatic, but that cartoon sums up my feelings two days post-due date.  I feel particularly disappointed because things seemed to be moving along Wednesday night.  I started having contractions that were consistent and got shorter over time (going from 10 minutes to 7-8 minutes), but they became erratic Thursday morning and eventually stopped.  Tim stayed home with me on Thursday, but the greatest excitement of the day was the extraction of a less cuddly blood-sucking parasite from my body: a tick!  From my exclamation of surprise and disgust, you might have thought my water broke.  It is the first time I've had a tick since I was little, when my dad would check my hair for them after being in the woods.  Ironically, Tim and I had talked about the need to check Baby for ticks during our walk in the Water Gap.  We should have heeded our own advice.

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