Saturday, March 22, 2014

11 months old!

My, my, my, this lady is close to the one year mark!  She is insanely happy most of the time and is really developing her own little personality.  She loves to make people laugh and seems to feed off the energy of others--our little extrovert.  Fi has this goofy little giggle she uses when she knows she has done something funny like playing peek-a-boo.  She is also a little explorer and has mastered the art of climbing stairs.  Now that the weather has been breaking, she has enjoyed being outside in our yard.  We have spread out a blanket and let her crawl around to touch the leaves and grass (and she got a taste of dirt today--there was not a repeat tasting).  For the last few months we have a hard time getting her to show us the month stickers so we dropped it into the photo.  As you can see she is very eager to get her hands on it.  One year old is so close she can almost reach it!

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