Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Faces of Fi

My work schedule was jam packed this week with me off to DC and then San Diego, so I have limited photos from Fiona this past week and weekend.  Instead, I thought I'd share some of the photos that kept me company on my travels.  Tim compiled them all for his desktop, and I have been flipping through the individual ones on my phone.  They were all taken on her 11 month birthday, and we affectionately call them the "Faces of Fi." They go from sad / bored (far left) to elated (far right).  I think my favorite is the second one from the left.  It is hard to tell in this compilation, but she sort of has her back straightened, shoulders back, and a smirk like she knows we are talking about her.  Although, the pure joy and animation of the second one to the right is pretty good too.

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