Sunday, March 16, 2014

Climbing the Walls...Pun Intended

The family is getting eager for winter to be over.  Even when it is chilly in the morning, Fiona beams as soon as we go outside.  We took her out for a nice run on Saturday that she babbled her way through, followed by a garage sale at the house across from us (scored two mirrors and a table!).  With a healthy dose of some iced coffee, we had to take the girl inside so we could work on our house projects.  

For the most part, Fiona patiently played and entertained herself.  This included her scaling the walls Mission Impossible style.  It came out of the blue.  I was putting some things away in her room while she played on the floor.  She pulled herself to her feet and started shuffling along the wall.  Out of curiosity, I let her go.  She made her way out of her room and down the hallway to where Tim was spackling.  Rather impressive!!  She was equally patient today while Nana and Poppa were here to help with some painting.  She flipped through a lot of books and played in her Pack-n-Play with a bag of socks while the rest of us worked away (me a lot less so than everyone else as I was on Fiona duty).

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