Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Fiona celebrated 3 days of Christmas for her first Christmas.  We started with just me and Tim on Monday night.  I got her a couple things from the Baltimore Museum of Art gift shop, and Tim got her a Calder-inspired mobile that he painted with the colors from her room.  We are really throwing the artsy vibe at her.

On Christmas Eve, we went to Reading to be with the Grenko's.  The cousins had a formal photo before church and a pajama photo after presents and before "the crash." 

The youngest were pretty tuckered out post-presents so the pajama photo degenerated to Bridget running out of the room.  If Fi could run, she may have been right there with Bridget as she was trying to buck herself out of Grace's arms by the end.  I love Fi's pajamas though!! 

We left late Christmas Eve to spend Christmas morning with my parents and Uncle Jimmy in Maryland.  Fiona was a practiced present opener at this point.  She was also so tired she crashed for a nice snooze with Grandpa before we stopped to visit Mom-mom on our way back north.

I leave you with a photo of Fi in my rocking chair.  I have a picture of myself in this chair on my first Christmas.  If she could talk, I am sure she'd be wishing everyone health and prosperity in 2014--that's just the kind of gal she is.

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