Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas in NYC

I had to go into to NYC this Friday to clear out our office space, and Tim and Fiona came along with me.  While I worked, Fiona played at the Union Square playground.  She took a ride on the swings and on some sort of spinning disk that looked pretty cool.  She also strolled through the Holiday Market.

We had planned to visit MoMA, but the packing got away from me, so we settled for a stroll up 6th Avenue.  We passed the Macy's window from a safe distance (across the street to avoid the crowds) then continued up to Rockefeller Center.  Every year, Tim and I weigh the pros and cons of visiting the tree--fun trip versus annoying tourist trap.  This year was no different.  We found a pretty good spot though to get her out of the stroller, eat some puffs, and take some photos!

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