Monday, September 2, 2013

Taking full advantage of the long weekend

Tim had off on Friday and Monday so we had a nice long weekend to have fun with Fiona.  Tim played stay-at-home dad on Friday while I did some work.  He took Fi for a run, played alongside her on the activity mat, and made her giggle a lot.  I had some fun with her too, lending her some hair to help us imagine what Fi will look like when she finally gets those luscious locks we hope she will eventually have.  This photo is Tim's favorite.  I think Fi looks absolutely deranged though.

We headed to Philly Friday evening for a sleepover at Patrick and Erika's. We got in so late that she really didn't get to hang out with Claire and Janie much, but she still had an explosive time (drum roll for the bad segue) ... In that she had a bit of a blow out around 2am.  After four wipes, a clean diaper, new outfit, and fresh bassinet sheet, Fi was back to bed to get her beauty sleep before heading to the shore.

 The rest of the weekend breezed by.  She had fun hanging out with her cousins and particularly Grace (who has decided that Fi's goofy hair on the bottom part of the back of her head looks like a mustache).  As always, we spent a lot of time on the boardwalk and beach too.  On this trip to the beach, we finally put her in a bathing suit and dipped her toes in the water.  She seemed to enjoy just hanging with Tim and watching the waves roll in as well as sleeping in the stroller.  It was a great weekend that we are capping off by watching Sixteen Candles and listening to Fi blow raspberries.  Not too shabby.

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