Sunday, September 29, 2013

(Quiet) Weekend at Home

Leading into the weekend, Fiona had a rough couple days.  I think her teeth are starting to bother her again as she is gnawing away on her pacifiers and desperately trying to put my fingers and Tim's in her mouth.  Given her mood, we weren't expecting much from the weekend.  

Fi did pretty well though.  We had some nice morning runs.  Fi seems to enjoy being bundled up on these crisp fall mornings.  Here she is in her fleece bear footies. Now that she is bigger, she fits in her jogging stroller facing out (versus in the car seat facing us), which she absolutely loves.  There's no more napping during stroller time since she can look around.  Fi also had fun playing with Tim.  He had her squealing up a storm with tickles tonight.  

Of course, as I write this, she has started crying so must be brief.  She has been trying to resist sleep even though she is rubbing her eyes: her tell for being tired.  Hopefully, her teeth don't bother her too much this week.

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