Friday, September 13, 2013

Busy mommy = few pictures and postings

I had a very busy week, hence the lack of postings.  On Sunday, I had a "day" trip to Chicago for work.  The day began at 4:00am and ended at 1:30am the next day, after nearly missing my flight and getting a flat tire on my drive home.  Super fun.  Tim had Fi to himself all day, and in his words, "she took it easy on him."  After a day of recuperation and tire repair, I headed to Maryland with the munchkin so that I could attend the Association of Children's Museum symposium in DC.  She spent the days with her grandparents who were delighted to have her, even if she did wear them out on those long days.  My photos from the week are pretty limited, but here is our little Fiona in my new favorite pair of footie pajamas (thanks Emily!).  Given her length, we broke out the 6 month pajamas, and she seems to enjoy the extra foot room!

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