Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fi's first sleepover

Nate and Ashli got married this weekend in Lancaster so Fiona slept over at Nana and Papa's house two nights in a row.  Fortunately, Lancaster is close enough to Nana and Papa's that we were able to spend some time with the little lady during the day on Saturday before the wedding.  Sleepovers are a pretty big milestone, but I really didn't sweat it too much.  It probably would have been a different story if I hadn't seen her for 48 hours straight.  Fi was in good hands though, and she got to spend Saturday night with Nana AND Cousin Janie.  The two of them were chatting Nana's ear off apparently.  Here is our gal upon arriving home after the big weekend.  She had just woken after napping in the car.  This is her typical stretch and grumpy face post-waking.  Even her grumpy face is pretty darn cute.

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