Sunday, July 14, 2013

Taking Fiona to look at a college... how Tim described our weekend plans to those who asked.  While we do think higher education is important, we aren't that deranged.  We just wanted to go to Arts Fest at Penn State.  It had been a while since we trekked out to the Happy Valley and years since we went to Arts Fest. 

We did all of the typical Arts Fest activities, checking out the Italian Street painting and browsing the vendor booths.  The highlight was simply walking around the campus and downtown.  We ate at The Deli and got Fi some Penn State gear from Family Clothesline.  

We flipped her facing out in the Baby Bjorn for the first time, so she could best appreciate the campus, which looked fantastically lush and green for mid-summer.  We swung by Old Main and the Palmer Museum of Art for Fi's first museum trip.  It was a quick museum trip but enjoyable.  Here she is below taking in the vibrant colors of Private Lives by Roy de Forest.  What an intent art connoisseur!

Unfortunately, they are working on the Nittany Lion shrine so we will have to wait until next year to get her picture there, but that's alright.  Fi had plenty of Penn State fun for one day.  She still has creamery ice cream and football games to look forward to and maybe a Cafe Tea from Cafe 210 West when she is older (hint to the non-Penn Staters, the teas have a heavy dose of alcohol in them but they are oh-so yummy). 

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