Friday, July 26, 2013

Grabby Girl

Over the last week or two, Fiona has mastered the art of putting her fingers and hands in her mouth.  This week she has learned how to reach out and grab things.  We've been putting her on her activity mat and bouncer for weeks now, but I had been moving her arms and legs to show her how to grab and kick the hanging birds and turtles.  It is amazing how just a few weeks ago, she barely wanted to spend 15 minutes on her activity mat and bouncer, but now she lays on her mat and sits in her bouncer contently playing for 30 to 45 minutes at a time multiple times a day.  It is a bit cliche but it is amazing how quickly she is growing.  It  was a bit startling when I witnessed the first sign of her independence.  I was in another room when I heard the music from the frog on her bouncer, which could only have been triggered by her pulling on the orange ring.

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