Friday, July 19, 2013

Birthday Celebrations a la Cheesy Photos

"This hat looks pretty cool!"

I have been having some fun with Fiona this week by staging her for photos to celebrate Grace and Bridget's birthdays.  For Grace's birthday on Monday, it was just a picture of Fi with a sign saying "Happy Birthday Grace."  I upped my game for Bridget's first birthday today.  I got out the hat Tim's mom got Fi for her first birthday, which is a cute pointed hat that says "birthday girl" on the front and has a bunch of bedazzling.  I put Fi in her party hat, flipped around backwards so as not to out-stage the actual birthday girl, and snapped some pictures.  Getting the hat on Fi was a bit challenging because it wasn't designed for a 3-month-old, but we made do.   I got some quick smiles out of her but mostly perplexed looks.  She did enjoy putting the ribbon in her mouth though, so I'd say fun was had by all.

"Oh my this is a big hat"
"At least the ribbon tastes good."
"Birthdays are ponderous."

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