Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Fiona's Room

We finally put some finishing touches on Fiona's room this past weekend.  We hadn't done much decorating since she arrived, but now that we are ready to move her out of the cradle in our room and into the crib in her room, we needed to get on that.  Fiona's crib has been serving as a catchall holding bin for her many gifts and other odds and ends, like the canvases we painted for her 3-week footprints.  We finally got those little feet on the wall mixed in with some photos of me and Tim.  Her nursery is water-themed so we hung our engagement photos from Ocean City, one from our honeymoon in Maui, and one from our wedding day by the Bay in Havre de Grace.  We need to add the most recent beach photos of the whole family still.

We've received some fantastic water-themed additions to her nursery from friends too.  My friend Becca from Penn State sent us an awesome handmade letter F illustration with a fish on it as well as Fiona's name and birthdate.  Plus, Tim's coworker Nichole made a plate inspired by our baby shower invitation with Fiona's birth stats.  And Mrs. Roberts' sent us some adorable wooden whales that we were going to hang on the wall but on a whim decided to hang on the hutch.  They look fantastic and give Fiona something to stare at while she is getting her diaper changed, which happens often enough that some entertainment is welcome I'm sure.  She has seemed fascinated with them.  We will see how long they stay there after she gets big enough to reach out and grab them.

Note that I am only showing you the left half of the room since the right half is still part office (metal shelves with office supplies and Tim's Penn State diplomas) and sporting goods store (hiking backpack and golf clubs).  Fi doesn't seem to mind though.  She has a jolly good time playing in her room, and hopefully, she will be just as happy sleeping in there too.

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