Sunday, November 17, 2013

Smiley girl

Everyone tells us we are very lucky to have a happy baby, and looking back on the week of photos reminded me of that.  Example one is from her helping me fold laundry.  She enjoys playing a game I call "Where's Fiona?"  I start folding clothes on the bed while she sits with me.  Every now and then I throw something on top her (covering her head completely) and say, "Where's Fiona?"  She is normally able to pull the item of her head and gives me a triumphant smile.  But even when she struggles to do it herself, I get a big smile when I reveal her face.  She could play this game endlessly.

The second example is from shopping at Ikea.  She spent about half of the trip in the stroller, but we sprung her loose in the kitchen center.  The kid's section blew her mind.  I think it was a combination of the bright colors and other kids playing that hooked her.  She stared open-mouthed through the entire section.  Then she had a ball in the marketplace trying to put everything we picked in her mouth.  She and Tim were playing a gentle game of tug of war, which had her giggling away.

And, yes...we like the hoodie up covering her mostly barren head.  She's getting some wispy hairs though!

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