Tuesday, November 5, 2013

6 month check up!

Fiona had her 6-month check up today.  She is staying on her curve weight-wise at 14 pounds 4 ounces, which is again in the 11th percentile.  Fi only grew .25 inch in length since last time though, measuring in at 25.75 inches, so she dropped in percentile from 82nd to 39th.  Tim wants to remeasure since she was really wiggly when they checked her height, and it is very un-Grenko of her to not lengthen up.  She got a clean bill of health and seems to be doing great.  The doctor warned that we should start some basic child proofing soon, which we have realized ourselves these past few days.  For instance, when Tim and I put her down to nap in the crib the other day, she managed to roll out of her bumpers onto her belly and reached up to turn off her monitor.  Our indication was when the monitor with us showed that it had unlinked.  What a stinker.  She is doing a terrific job sitting up and grabbing for anything nearby.  Here she is sitting pretty and loving her boots

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