Sunday, November 10, 2013

Another leisurely weekend

Fiona and company had a nice leisurely weekend.  In part, I think we need to thank Nana, Grace, and Maddie who spent the day with Fiona on Friday.  They must have kept her quite busy because she crashed hard Friday night and slept until nearly 7am on Saturday.  I highly recommend them as baby sitters!  Plus, I know they gave her lots and love.  Before they left, they were siting on the floor with her taking turns giving her hugs.  

It was a pretty nondescript weekend with little photo evidence.  Fiona is now sitting up on her own and rarely toppling over, so Tim and I joined her on the floor Saturday morning for playtime and Sesame Street.  We also took her out to the flea market in Saylorsburg on Sunday, and to the library where she hid behind my wallet (in between chewing on it).  My favorite moment from the weekend was when we bathed Fi Saturday night.  She was babbling like crazy and it reminded me of the nonsensical gibberish of Bill Cosby (ayb-ba yab-ba yap-pa dap-pa).  Our little comedian. 

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