Thursday, May 9, 2013

Lots of cuddles

Laid back in the stroller
This week was pretty uneventful but in a good way.  I had Fiona all to myself.  We took walks in town but spent most of our days cuddling.  She seems to be going through a phase where I can't put her down.  It can be frustrating at times because I can't seem to get anything done, but then I remind myself how amazing it is to have time just to cuddle with her.  It makes me feel a bit lazy when I look back on my days, but this is what maternity leave is for, right?

In her bouncer

As many (friends, family, and the pediatrician) have said, Fi is quite alert for a baby.  This week though, she is really starting to talk to us.  However, her noises have thrown me for a loop because noises that I used to think were preemptive of fussiness aren't anymore.  She just wants to be heard it seems.  Fi is also making more faces and her legs and hands are getting noticeably stronger.  It is amazing how she is growing.

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