Monday, May 13, 2013

First Mother's Day in OCNJ

First Trip to OCNJ
Tim and I took our first big road trip with Fiona this weekend.  Destination: Ocean City, NJ.  Travel Time: 3 hours.  Fi has been pretty good on short car trips so our hopes were high.  The first hour of the trip was a little rough since she started crying immediately.  We made one stop to feed her and another to change and calm her all before getting on the Northeast Extension in Quakertown. Fortunately, it was smooth sailing through Philly and to the Shore after that.  While we didn't get to celebrate mother's day with Grandma, Nana, or Mom-mom (sorry!), the change in scenery was much needed for me at least.  We took two long walks on the boardwalk and had donuts at Brown's.  Plus, Tim and I finally did all of the first anniversary activities we had postponed since our actual anniversary back in September.  We drank our anniversary wine and ate the top of our wedding cake, which tasted as delicious as it did on our wedding day much to my surprise.  It was a quick weekend, but Fi is going to have plenty of time at the Shore over the next couple months and for years to come.  

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