Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Good checkup and lots of Mommy and Fi time

Stroller time with knit accessories by Randi's mom

Fiona had another weight check on Monday.  She has been eating fabulously and is just two ounces shy of her birth weight.  I suspected she was doing well, but it is nice to have the doctor's assurance especially since Tim went back to work on Tuesday.  Nana came to stay with us for Tim's first day back just in case I needed backup.  Fi did terrific though.  She ate and slept like clockwork.  We even enjoyed a nice lunch out with Nana and Mrs. Higbie.  Fi is getting good at lunch dates, with yesterday's being our third already.  

Passed out after our evening constitutional

Today the training wheels came off completely. Fi and I spent our first day at home alone together.  Overall, it went well.  I think she is going through her first growth spurt so she was a bit demanding--feeding often and crying a good bit.  She didn't even fall asleep when I took her for a walk in the stroller.  When Tim got home, we decided to try a walk with the Baby Bjourn though.  She took to it very well.  Fi slept through an hour walk plus stayed asleep in the Baby Bjourn even after we got home.  Chalk that one up in the win column. 

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