Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Busy Girl

Fi under the blanket
Fiona had a busy holiday weekend. A day after returning from Maryland, we headed to the shore where we got to spend time with cousin Janie and the rest of the Grenko's and Olivard's.  Fi is fully accustomed to long walks on the boardwalk now, but we still haven't worked up to sitting on the beach.  We ventured onto the beach itself and up to the water, although we had to keep her covered to protect her from the sun.  By the end of summer, maybe we can dip her toes in the water. 
Cuddling Mr. Duck
In addition to family time at the shore, Fi made a trip back to Maryland for my cousin Emily and Manny's wedding where she got to hang out with the Shelley family.  Fi stayed awake for the entire ceremony (to admire how beautiful Emily looked) and didn't make a peep.  Our social butterfly was all gussied up in her party dress (we don't have any good pictures since it was chilly and she stayed wrapped in a blanket).  Her favorite accessory though was Mr. Duck: her pacifier.  It has been her buddy since Tim bought it two weeks ago.  She has even started cuddling it.  Mr Duck is looking ragged already so we are going to introduce Fi to his cousin Mr Giraffe.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

One Month Old

Believe it or not, our little Fiona is one month old.  Some days it feels like she has been with us forever, and other days I marvel at how quickly the first few weeks have passed.  She is starting to outgrow some of her newborn clothing now, a subtle reminder that time has passed.  Our growing girl is frequently stretching her arms and legs although she still loves to rest with at least one hand up by her face like she is doing in this photo.  

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Maryland bound

Grandma and Fi in stripes

Fiona took her first trip to Maryland so that I could attend the American Alliance of Museums conference in Baltimore.  I was a little anxious because I'd be doing the long car trip all by myself.  In preparation, we took a trip to Reading and then to Lancaster for outlet shopping with Nana last week.  She did really well then (and got some cute new outfits to boot!) and equally as well on the car ride to Maryland.  She fussed around the Delaware state line but I plugged her up with her pacifier, and she was good to go.  

Fi in her O's gear
I was also nervous about our Maryland trip because it was the first time Tim and I would be leaving her for even short a period of time.  It was odd to walk out the door without her on Sunday morning, but she was terrific and spent lots of time snuggling with Grandma and Grandpa.  Since it was her Maryland debut, she had a lot of visitors including Mom-mom, Uncle Jimmy, and much of the Krantz clan.  Aunt Tadpole and Uncle Mark stopped by and brought Fi her first Orioles outfit.  She is going to have to grow into this onesie since she is still just a wee little girl, but it should fit her well be the World Series (wishful thinking?). 


Friday, May 17, 2013

Fi has a new cousin!

Eating my post-it while I wait for my cousin
First, let me explain the picture.  Each year, Tim's family hangs a new photo of the kids at the shore house (the kids are always posed looking away from the camera since the house is rented out for part of the summer).  This past Thanksgiving, my brother-in-law Patrick announced they were pregnant using that picture.  He put up one post-it note with my / Fiona's due date of April 17 and one post-it note with their due date of May 24.  The post-its have stayed up there all year. 

Cousin Jane

Fiona came and made her post-it a reality, and now we have been waiting for her cousin.  The wait is over as of today because Patrick and Erika welcomed Jane Katherine Grenko!  She is adorable and has so much beautiful hair!!!   I'm so excited that Fi has another girl cousin so close in age (Jane being just a month younger than Fi and Bridget less than a year older).  Poor cousin Luke though...the sole boy among seven cousins. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Arts and crafts

Fi sitting laying on my knees, ready for footprints!

Fiona and I did our first arts and crafts project together last week.  Before she was born, I prepared some canvases for her hand and foot prints.  I've been delaying the actual print process though as I've tried to figure out how to actually get her prints.  I assumed the feet would be easier than the hands, so I conducted a trial run with her footprints on paper. When Fi was good and sleepy, I put her on my knees. I smeared paint on a paper bag and then rubbed one of her little feet in it. The first dip caused her to stir, and the resulting print wasn't so good, but she was so zonked out that my next few tries turned out well. Plus, we turned the good prints into Mother's Day cards for her grandmothers (Nana and Grandma) and her great grandmother (Mom-mom).  As I have been playing with her hands while she sleeps, I realized that there is a reason that the hospital just does footprints for her birth certificate.  Handprints will have to wait until she is older.

Monday, May 13, 2013

First Mother's Day in OCNJ

First Trip to OCNJ
Tim and I took our first big road trip with Fiona this weekend.  Destination: Ocean City, NJ.  Travel Time: 3 hours.  Fi has been pretty good on short car trips so our hopes were high.  The first hour of the trip was a little rough since she started crying immediately.  We made one stop to feed her and another to change and calm her all before getting on the Northeast Extension in Quakertown. Fortunately, it was smooth sailing through Philly and to the Shore after that.  While we didn't get to celebrate mother's day with Grandma, Nana, or Mom-mom (sorry!), the change in scenery was much needed for me at least.  We took two long walks on the boardwalk and had donuts at Brown's.  Plus, Tim and I finally did all of the first anniversary activities we had postponed since our actual anniversary back in September.  We drank our anniversary wine and ate the top of our wedding cake, which tasted as delicious as it did on our wedding day much to my surprise.  It was a quick weekend, but Fi is going to have plenty of time at the Shore over the next couple months and for years to come.  

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Lots of cuddles

Laid back in the stroller
This week was pretty uneventful but in a good way.  I had Fiona all to myself.  We took walks in town but spent most of our days cuddling.  She seems to be going through a phase where I can't put her down.  It can be frustrating at times because I can't seem to get anything done, but then I remind myself how amazing it is to have time just to cuddle with her.  It makes me feel a bit lazy when I look back on my days, but this is what maternity leave is for, right?

In her bouncer

As many (friends, family, and the pediatrician) have said, Fi is quite alert for a baby.  This week though, she is really starting to talk to us.  However, her noises have thrown me for a loop because noises that I used to think were preemptive of fussiness aren't anymore.  She just wants to be heard it seems.  Fi is also making more faces and her legs and hands are getting noticeably stronger.  It is amazing how she is growing.

Monday, May 6, 2013

2 weeks old

Hiding the pacifier
Fiona is two weeks old today and overdue for a birth announcement.  We had been waiting to do a naked-baby photo for the announcement once the stub of her umbilical cord fell off, which it did at the end of last week.  Therefore, Tim and I took the opportunity yesterday to set up a photo shoot.  It was quite an operation.  Tim got our bed prepared while I fed Fi.  Then we stripped her, put her in a cloth diaper baby (no diaper lines for this baby), swaddled her, and waited for her to calm down (and poop if necessary).  When she seemed complacent, we stripped her down, positioned her on the bed, and snapped pictures like crazy until she fussed.  When fussiness set in, I'd swaddle her, cuddle her, and give her the pacifier while Tim primped the photo area. 
Too much tush
We went through at least three or four takes, including one in which we couldn't get her to release the pacifier.  She threw her arm in front of the pacifier though, so Tim picked angles that would obscure the pacifier and snapped more pictures.  My favorite from the blooper reel was when her butt was in the air and legs were askew.  Tim said something akin to: "Oh no honey, that is way too much" (referring to how exposed her tush was).  You have to wait for the announcement to see the good pictures.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A little fussy but as adorable as ever

With Grandpa
Our little cutie is definitely growing.  As I noted last post, she has been a bit demanding in terms of feedings, and I can say with more certainty that we are amidst her first growth spurt.  As a result, she seems to be having some tummy aches.  We have added some new soothing tips to our arsenal to combat tummy aches: better burping techniques and rubbing or putting light pressure on her belly.  Despite a little fussiness, her visitors (Uncle John, Aunt Mary Jean, Aunt Eileen, and Father Walt) still found her precious, or at least that is what they told us.  Grandma and Grandpa came to dote over Fiona for a few days too.  She had lots of cuddle time with them and enjoyed more walks in town.  I think Fi is going to be a guy's girl given how she takes to Tim and Grandpa.  They seemed to have the most luck in calming her down. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Good checkup and lots of Mommy and Fi time

Stroller time with knit accessories by Randi's mom

Fiona had another weight check on Monday.  She has been eating fabulously and is just two ounces shy of her birth weight.  I suspected she was doing well, but it is nice to have the doctor's assurance especially since Tim went back to work on Tuesday.  Nana came to stay with us for Tim's first day back just in case I needed backup.  Fi did terrific though.  She ate and slept like clockwork.  We even enjoyed a nice lunch out with Nana and Mrs. Higbie.  Fi is getting good at lunch dates, with yesterday's being our third already.  

Passed out after our evening constitutional

Today the training wheels came off completely. Fi and I spent our first day at home alone together.  Overall, it went well.  I think she is going through her first growth spurt so she was a bit demanding--feeding often and crying a good bit.  She didn't even fall asleep when I took her for a walk in the stroller.  When Tim got home, we decided to try a walk with the Baby Bjourn though.  She took to it very well.  Fi slept through an hour walk plus stayed asleep in the Baby Bjourn even after we got home.  Chalk that one up in the win column.