Sunday, February 16, 2014

Winter, really?

Winter was growing tiresome last week, but it hit hard again this week.  I booked it out of DC early on Wednesday to get back to Stroudsburg with babysitter (my mom) before the snow.  Boy did it snow.  We got about 18 inches on Thursday on top of what was outside, plus another 4 inches on Saturday.  Tim and I are definitely tired of shoveling, but we aren't tired of this happy snow bunny.  She and Tim plopped down in the fluffy snow in our yard for a little fun.  We haven't been out much, but she seems to be eager for the fresh (although crisp) air.  Hopefully, there isn't too much snow and crisp air left in the season though.  Even still, we predict that some snow piles will be lingering through Fiona's first birthday. I hope not, but from the waist high piles in many areas, I am not optimistic.

Might as well use the snowed in time doing something to improve the house, right?  That's just what we did on Saturday.  While my mom kept Fi busy, Tim and I painted the living room.  It felt reminiscent of when I was a child--rooms tarped off for work.  Amazingly, we finished the room minus the wall leading up to the hallway in the day and managed to put the living room back together.  Phew.

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