Monday, February 10, 2014

Winter Keeps Throwing Punches

Winter is really starting to wear on me.  We've had three snow storms in a week, and Tim, Fiona, and I have all been sick.  Tim is really loving shoveling a corner lot, especially when the sleet and ice weighs down the snow (sarcasm).  The only good is that Fi had a blast watching him shovel from the front door.  I love this photo where she has her head tilted slightly to the side like, "Whatcha doing, daddy?"  

I really don't have much else to report other than we have been busy working on the house still.  Progress is slow, but it is coming along.  We have a new carpet in the living room for Fiona to crawl all over, which she is enjoying.  We also have about 8 different paint samples on the living room wall as we try to pick a color.  I'm ready to give Fiona a dart to throw at the wall and see what sample it sticks too (or maybe letting her slingshot a spoonful of mango would be more baby friendly?).  

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