Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Remember when I said Fiona is such a happy baby, we are lucky parents, she is a pleasure to come home to, yadda, yadda, yadda?  Well, I take it back.  She has been fussy mess the last few nights.  It is likely that she started teething, so I should cut her some slack because I know it must be uncomfortable.  She's drooling a lot, and shoving her hands (or anybody's hands that she can grab) in her mouth.  Fi's also been crying quite a bit, which is very unlike her.  Last night was the worst.  I tried every trick in the book for calming her: feeding, cuddling, sitting up, laying down, etc.  I was resorting to checking her diaper when all the sudden she just passed out.  With her outfit unbuttoned at the bottom, I just draped my baby blanket (made by my Grandmom) over her and let her sleep.  Fortunately, she seems to be back to her happy self tonight, but I know teething can be a long process so I am prepared for some ups and downs this next month.

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