Friday, August 9, 2013

From Cradle to Crib

In her cradle
It was a busy work week for me, with two full days onsite at Liberty Science Center, so I don't have much to report on the Fiona front.  However, Fiona is officially sleeping in the crib in her room after having slept in a cradle in our room for the last few months.  The cradle was built by Tim's dad and his two grandfathers before his sister Colleen was born.  It's a little creaky but very beautiful.  We put it just inside the door below a poster of a Da Vanci Madonna; it seemed appropriate for the Madonna to be watching over baby Fiona as she grew and grew and grew until she was too long for the cradle!  It was a bit unsettling when I came home to find the cradle gone but it was time.  Fiona's been doing terrific in her luxuriously spacious crib so far.  Hopefully, she has been getting some good restful sleep, so she can visit the birthday girl (Claire) and birthday boy (my Dad) this weekend!

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