Thursday, July 3, 2014

Beach Time and First Steps--Finally!

We have spent a lot of time at the shore the last couple weeks.  Fiona has been loving it.  She can play in the sand for hours and continues to charge fearlessly into the water no matter how cold it is.  Even the seaweed didn't slow her in the ocean.  She has also been loving her cousins.  She breaks out a silly beauty pageant (or politician?) wave anytime she sees them, particularly Grace and Maddie.  She has been giving them and us kisses (with a mwah sound), lots of hugs, and dancing up a storm.  My favorite moment from the week has been her finally taking her first steps.  We have been waiting eagerly for a while now, and with her having Tim and I around all day for some extra walking practice, she did it!  We were sitting on the porch, Tim and I sitting on the floor, and she toddled back and forth between us several times.  Those Brown's donuts must be quiet an incentive.  Looking forward to seeing her walk some more!  


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