Tuesday, July 22, 2014

15 months old!

We haven't been doing monthly photo shoots like we were, but we are trying for at least every three months, so here we are.  She is quite the lovely lady even as she shoves all of her fingers in her mouth.  At least she is smiling since we are heavy into teething again.  Two new ones appeared up top and maybe more--she doesn't like me to look.  

Her personality is really starting to come out in funny ways.  She has been sporadically showing her goofy side.  Lately, it has been the goofy face.  She started doing it out of the blue a couple weeks ago.  I don't exactly know where she picked it up, although it isn't a completely foreign look, but I just can't pinpoint it.  Let the pictures speak for themselves, so commence the goofy face series!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Growing Girl!

Woohoo! Fiona truly decided to walk this week.  On Tuesday, she decide that she wanted to walk and spent the hour before bed just cruising around the living room to our delight.  We worried that it was just another bubble of interest, but it persisted.  She walked inside, outside, with shoes, and without shoes.  We are ecstatic.  She is growing leaps and bounds, climbing up in her chair to do a puzzle and using more and more "words."  Exciting week of development. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Vacation's Over

Vacation is over, and it seems like Fiona's interest in walking is over too.  She's seemed really reluctant to walk for some reason.  She gets ready to walk--balanced and hands out ready to go--but then squats or sits and cries.  I think her teeth are bothering her because she has been extra clingy too.  She hates to be put down and has been frantically tightening her arm around my neck when she thinks I am going to do so.  Hopefully, the post-vacation walking slump is over, and I will have more to report in the week.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Beach Time and First Steps--Finally!

We have spent a lot of time at the shore the last couple weeks.  Fiona has been loving it.  She can play in the sand for hours and continues to charge fearlessly into the water no matter how cold it is.  Even the seaweed didn't slow her in the ocean.  She has also been loving her cousins.  She breaks out a silly beauty pageant (or politician?) wave anytime she sees them, particularly Grace and Maddie.  She has been giving them and us kisses (with a mwah sound), lots of hugs, and dancing up a storm.  My favorite moment from the week has been her finally taking her first steps.  We have been waiting eagerly for a while now, and with her having Tim and I around all day for some extra walking practice, she did it!  We were sitting on the porch, Tim and I sitting on the floor, and she toddled back and forth between us several times.  Those Brown's donuts must be quiet an incentive.  Looking forward to seeing her walk some more!