Sunday, June 1, 2014

Bumps and Recoveries

It felt like quite a week for us but I don't have many pictures to show for it.  The week started with Fiona tumbling of the porch.  She had quite a goose egg, and the doctor suggested waking her every two hours that night been though she seemed to being doing alright--good appetite, playing, talking, etc. Bottom line, she was fine.

I worked at the Bronx Zoo on Friday and Saturday so Fiona and I went to stay with her Thursday night and Tim joined us Friday night.  She was a pretty good girl.  She wasn't too sure of Winnie early Friday morning but within a few hours she was reaching out on her own accord to touch Winnie.  She didn't like when Winnie got in her face to lick her but she learned to avoid it.  On Saturday, Fiona visited the Bronx Zoo.  She wasn't too interested in the animals but that may have been because she hadn't napped.


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