Sunday, May 4, 2014

12 week check up

Fiona (and we) have had a rough week.  She hasn't been feeling well since the party--not sure if it is a cold or just teething or the combo.  We had her 12-week check-up this week and the doctor said the same.  But, we have new stats!  She is 18 pounds 8 ounces and 30.25 inches so she is still low percentile in weight but high in length.  And, she still has a huge head; I have noticed more and more that outfits fit her in the body but fitting them over the head is the challenge.  Regardless, the doctor said she is growing just fine.

Despite being sick, Fiona has been enjoying all her new toys and other gifts.  Bath toys have been a huge hit.  She loves bath time but has only had one rubber ducky, some pouring cups, and general splashing to entertain her.  She has tons of bath stuff now though.  Her (or Tim's favorite) are some blocks with attachments that, when stacked created a Rube Goldberg like contraption to filter water.   The wagon has also been a big hit.  She knows where it is parked in the house and, when she can get to it, will use it as a walker, have us walk her around the house, or take her out.  Up until this weekend, we had only taken her for rides around the yard, but this weekend we took her around the block which she seemed to love.

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