Saturday, June 15, 2013

Girls' Week at the Shore

Sitting with Nana
Fiona spent most of her week at the Shore with Nana, Aunt Erika, and cousins Claire and Janie plus several other visitors.  Since Claire has a little baby sister of her own, I imagined that Fi may not be of much interest to her, but Claire is not short on love and affection.  She gave Fi (and Janie) hundreds of kisses, which Fi took happily.  

In addition to being a beach bum, Fi has been practicing holding onto things.  She had already been grabbing at my hair, the car seat straps, and her outfits, but now she is starting to hold toys like a knit Zubel from Nana.  I have to help her make a fist around the toy, but then she holds on tight and shakes shakes shakes!!

Holding the Zubel

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